Intelligent Performance
Can reclaim recover and restore the planet powerful sustainable forever
Establish a new intelligent performance culture to replace and cancel the monstrous control culture that keeps our world underpowered weak fragile disastrous high risk
Free the world, and get rid, without fight, from all the bad, control and influence of powerful ruling controlling elites (Autocratic, Democratic)
The action for limitless
wellness performance
Τurning the world intelligent to perform for limitless wellness is not an option….
It is critical and very urgent action to do now right now right there everywhere
- Wellness performance: The capabilities that provide wellness.
- Limitless wellness performance: Is the performance that can secure sustainability wellness, i.e., constant capabilities for survival, safety, prosperity.
- It is the result of a dynamic behavior structure that can act precise concurrently in 5 dimensions.
- Intelligence is what can produce the behavior structure to act dynamic for limitless wellness performance.
- Humans are the building blocks to develop intelligence dynamic sophisticated behavior structures of limitless wellness performance, simple easy fast.
Intelligence Behavior
The ingenious design of our world...which we promptly abandon and ignore so far.
Intelligence: Is what can be used to design the most powerful dynamic sophisticated behavior structures to act and perform limitless. massive superintelligence hyper systems, multidimensional dynamic nonlinear behavior structures of immense explosive reinforced wellness performance power.
The fashionable now artificial intelligence is a very restrictive narrow expensive difficult example of intelligence.
Humans: All humans everywhere are created by nature, advanced intelligence power mechanisms, ready to be used, building blocks, to form, simple easy fast, sophisticated intelligence dynamic behavior superstructures of limitless wellness performance.
Intelligence is not the privilege of the exceptional people as we believe up to now. it is the most advanced powerful natural characteristic of every human being, unused and disabled today by culture.
The ingenious design of the world: Now it is obvious easy to see and realize, the invisible and totally ignored so far, the ingenious design of our world. A world designed purposely advanced sophisticated to run super intelligent by intelligence powerful humans with enormous limitless performance for perpetual permanent wellness sustainability. A paradise design made by gods.
//So, what happened next:
How we made the world to behave so badly, suicidally catastrophic badly.
How we left the ingenious paradise design made by gods to redesign the world unintelligent static weak fragile high risk with restricted difficult wellness performance capabilities, and now on the edge to collapse. The true story of Eva’s Apple.
Control: Change the purpose, direction of our world from wellness to human control. with this we abandon the original by nature intelligent dynamic sophisticated wellness design of our world by nature to restructure the world static without intelligence, in weird naïve rigid autocratic vertical behavior structures for human control.
This autocratic vertical structure that a strong established culture (education economy government justice religion etc.) is still keeping the world to use as standard, is the worst behavior structure in whole nature (ants, animals birds insect plants etc. are using far better superior structures) to produce wellness performance. This has underpowered dramatically the world.
A constant, invisible by culture, crime that now is unfolding as a very visible fatal survival threat that very soon will grow irreversible.
Intelligent Performance:
The Action
Urgent now rightnow righthere everywhere, that all humans everywhere need and can still do easy simple fast…without fight...
Ο άνθρωπος έχει όλα τα χαρακτηριστικά για να φτιάξουμε, άμεσα εύκολα, τους πολύ προηγμένους ισχυρούς μηχανισμούς Ευφυούς Απόδοσης. Και επιτέλους να Καταλάβουμε Γιατί το ανθρώπινο στοιχείο είναι ο περισσότερο εξελιγμένος προηγμένος μηχανισμός στον Πλανήτη, απλησίαστος.
Ο Κόσμος μας Δεν Φτιάχτηκε Τυχαία. Αλλά Σχεδιάστηκε με Εξαιρετικά Προηγμένο Ευφυή Τρόπο, από Υπερκοσμική Υπεροντότητα. Ένα τελείως διαφορετικό λειτουργικό τρόπο, από τον προβληματικό και τώρα εξόχως καταστρεπτικό τρόπο λειτουργίας που χρησιμοποιούμε μέχρι σήμερα.
Με τον πλανήτη σαν πλατφόρμα πλήρως εξοπλισμένη με ζωικά στοιχεία, δηλαδή στοιχεία που μπορούν να εξελίσσονται συνεχώς για να ζούν και ένα Εξαιρετικά Προηγμένο Εξελιγμένο Ευρείας Ευφυΐας Ανθρώπινο Μηχανισμό, με σκοπό την Δημιουργία Εξαιρετικά Ισχυρής Ευφυούς Δυναμικής Λειτουργίας.
Η Δύναμη που Συνθέτουν και Αναπτύσσουν Συμπληρωματικά, συνολικά οι 5 Διαστάσεις Δυνατοτήτων. Παράγει την ενέργεια, όλα όσα χρειάζονται, για την υποστήριξη και εξασφάλιση της Βιωσιμότητας και της Ευημερίας μας.
Το Σύνολο των Λειτουργιών που χρησιμοποιούμε για να δημιουργήσουμε και να παράγουμε Απόδοση. Είναι ο τρόπος που λειτουργούμε, η συμπεριφορά μας. Ο μηχανισμός μορφοποιεί, και δίνει την δυνατότητα να συνειδητοποιήσουμε, την αρχιτεκτονική, τις μηχανικές λειτουργικές δυνατότητες, της Συμπεριφοράς μας, το πως κτίζεται και παράγεται Απόδοση.
//The Threat
We are just before …the ruling autocrats (autocratic or democratic) will struggle the world to final death, by the already launched assault, spearheaded on total digital control and massive exploding inequality, can put the whole world in autocratic total control. this will permanently immobilize, all humans weak incapable without intelligence power, and make the whole world to keep moving randomly highly destructive weak fragile high risk , ready to be demolished any time.
The Action: Now critical and very urgent
The present model of our world formed for control, in autocratic static rigid vertical control structures, is totally incapable to produce wellness performance to support survival for any longer . It has reached its limit, and now is driving the planet on the edge to collapse. It is keeping ruining, a world designed to function and perform quite different. today education technology economy, etc. (all the parts that form the current culture) they just try to keep this deadly suicidal catastrophic control model, alive.
The action now is survival action and is critical and very urgent action to do now right now right there everywhere: Rediscovering and recovering the sleeping unused today enormous intelligence power.
Intelligence is the power that can reshape and raise the world fast advanced sophisticated dynamic powerful sustainable, for eternal wellness, with limitless performance abilities, as designed originally by gods.
Intelligent Performance: Is the easy simple fast now to do action to override present culture and reactivate intelligence power in every human for massive wellness everywhere.
B. We still can recover and use this ingenious natural model, easy simple fast, and restructure our world powerful safe prosperous sustainable forever.
By activating in every human everywhere their broad wide intelligent power, to precisely engineer and form intelligent dynamic , superintelligence hyper systems of limitless performance power…easy simple fast…without fight